Monday, June 21, 2010


This is the last of my 8-week internship. Although I'm excited to begin a new chapter in my life, I'm also a bit scared - I'm excited to be done with school and start my career, yet I'm scared that I won't find a job I'll like. But mostly, I'm sad to leave what has been a great internship experience. I've really enjoyed my time at my placement. I;ve learned a lot and met some great people. Though I knew this week would come eventually, I did not expect it to be emotional for me. I will definitely miss the people I've come to know and the relationship we just started to develop.

Yep, this will be a sad week.

They say you can judge the rest of your week with how you spent your Monday. I hope your Monday was filled with lots of love and laughter to make Tuesday through Sunday just the same ;)

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