Friday, July 16, 2010


I've decided to add a new series to my blog. Besides my Following, Destination and Moody Monday series, I will begin Food on Fridays - posts that relate to foods I eat and/or make on Fridays.

Today's post is on one of my favourite breakfast meals - oatmeal. I love oatmeal! It's healthy, easy to make and will fill you up 'til lunchtime.

I really enjoy slow-cooked oatmeal rather than instant because I think it tastes better, plus you can add so many different things to it. If I'm running late or have little time in the mornings, I like to make cold oatmeal - oatmeal with cold milk (or soy milk/almond milk) and a handful of dried cranberries. But when I do have time, I prefer to make my oatmeal the following way:

  • First, I mix my oatmeal (I like Quaker Oats) with low-fat milk in a small pot. I cook it on medium until it bubbles.

  • While my oatmeal cooks, I mush up 1 banana (literally with a fork) in a bowl.

  • When my oatmeal is done, I add it to the mushy banana and mix the two together.

  • Then I add a handful of mixed nuts (peanuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, raisins, dried cranberries and sesame seeds).

  • To finish my breakfast, I sprinkle A LOT of cinnamon (you can add as much or as little as you like, but I love the taste of cinnamon, so I pretty much fill my bowl with it. Hence the brown colour).

Try making oatmeal for a delicious breakfast. If you don't like bananas, try adding cut apples (apples and cinnamon are perfect combination).

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