Monday, July 19, 2010


After a busy and fun-filled weekend, today was spent mostly lounging around. Saturday was spent at the Rush concert in downtown T.O. (Yes, RUSH! I have don't know their songs, but I have heard of the band). I went to the concert on a whim with some of my favourite ladies and had little-to-no expectations on what the night to bring. Surprisingly, I had a great time (especially when we found the bar).

Sunday was spent at the annual Colombian festival on St. Clair. I always look forward to this because it's the only time I eat Colombian food. Empanadas, Chorizos and Arepa con Chocolo are my favourite. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures because it was raining, but here you'll get an idea of the food:

So after very little sleep over the weekend, today was spent re-charging my batteries. I woke up pretty exhausted, which is why the following pic is fitting for this post:

They say you can judge the rest of your week with how you spent your Monday. I hope your Monday was filled with lots of love and laughter to make Tuesday through Sunday just the same ;)

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